Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Ronja Rövardotter

My version of the classic Astrid Lindgren character. Something I've done during my limited free time, trying to learn how to paint and blend. (Thank you Wesley Tippetts!) I found out that Studio Ghibli is making a show of Ronja, and I'm so freaking excited.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Attack on Titan Film Poster

I’ve loved this anime, and decided to create a parody movie poster based off the film, Remember the Titans. The second image does not belong to me of course. Also, I couldn’t figure out what the correct spelling of Eren’s last name was… Jaeger or Yeager, I’ve seen both.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Pippi Långstrump Character Design

Drew these up for my 2D Animation class. I'm fond of my Bee and Puppycat emulation (bottom left), but decided to go with the colored one to animate. Also some expression poses below.