Thursday, December 26, 2013

Lotta från Västergötland

I drew this picture for my mother, who is from Sweden, for Christmas. She's wearing a traditional folk dress from her region of Västergötland. I wanted to depict her as a young adult, so I used my little sister as reference. I also tried to emulate Brittney Lee in the style. I think it turned out pretty well, and it was a good challenge. It was interesting, I do feel some emotion towards my art, but this is the first that I have been so close to tears when creating. I seem to have a deep connection to it, and I could tell my mom did as well.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Shaman Pitch Package

My final for Visual Development and Character Design. I'm pretty satisfied with how the characters and staffs turned out. I definitely need to keep working on technical and environmental design, those kill me.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Egyptian Princess

I haven't done anything for fun in a while. So I decided to take a break from school work and do so. Probably not the best time, since finals are coming up.