Monday, September 16, 2013


I am terrible at drawing technical things, so I decided to work on it by drawing guns.

Teacher and Construction Worker

Done for my visual development and character design class. The assignment was to design a teacher and construction worker. My idea was to take the stereotype of both and switch them.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Saturday, September 7, 2013

CuBICLE Concept

Done for my storyboarding class, with Kelly Loosli. Fall 2012

Dangerously Cute

Initial Concept
Exaggerated and added value. 

Redesigned concept.

Old and New

Heavily-Armed Cephalopod

Bubbles Redesigned

Done in Drawing for Animation, with Joe Olsen. Changing the design according to target audience. From left to right: Realistic, 10-14 year old boys, 4-7 year old girls.

3D Still Life

Done in Maya, still trying to get comfortable with the program. Took about 22 hours.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Fruit Concept

I'm in a shader programming class, and the first assignment is to model and shade a fruit or vegetable. First we had to show the process of layering in a concept image.