Thursday, December 26, 2013

Lotta från Västergötland

I drew this picture for my mother, who is from Sweden, for Christmas. She's wearing a traditional folk dress from her region of Västergötland. I wanted to depict her as a young adult, so I used my little sister as reference. I also tried to emulate Brittney Lee in the style. I think it turned out pretty well, and it was a good challenge. It was interesting, I do feel some emotion towards my art, but this is the first that I have been so close to tears when creating. I seem to have a deep connection to it, and I could tell my mom did as well.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Shaman Pitch Package

My final for Visual Development and Character Design. I'm pretty satisfied with how the characters and staffs turned out. I definitely need to keep working on technical and environmental design, those kill me.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Egyptian Princess

I haven't done anything for fun in a while. So I decided to take a break from school work and do so. Probably not the best time, since finals are coming up.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Legend of Korra Emulation

People were asking how this character fits into the world of Legend of Korra. She's an airbender who ran away from home, and developed her own style. She lives outside Republic City, in a small forest town.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Shader Programming- Pear

I'd have to say, I'm rather proud of myself for getting it to look like this. It took some repetition from different people to understand how Houdini's nodes work together, but I've gradually caught on. Hoping to tweak it some more later.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Rastafarian Concept Model for 3D


I'm terrible at technical drawings, so the robot was quite a challenge. I'll probably practice drawing them more, as it can come in handy. I chose to draw a Thai fisherman, because they wear cool pants.

Monday, September 16, 2013


I am terrible at drawing technical things, so I decided to work on it by drawing guns.

Teacher and Construction Worker

Done for my visual development and character design class. The assignment was to design a teacher and construction worker. My idea was to take the stereotype of both and switch them.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Saturday, September 7, 2013

CuBICLE Concept

Done for my storyboarding class, with Kelly Loosli. Fall 2012

Dangerously Cute

Initial Concept
Exaggerated and added value. 

Redesigned concept.

Old and New

Heavily-Armed Cephalopod

Bubbles Redesigned

Done in Drawing for Animation, with Joe Olsen. Changing the design according to target audience. From left to right: Realistic, 10-14 year old boys, 4-7 year old girls.

3D Still Life

Done in Maya, still trying to get comfortable with the program. Took about 22 hours.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Fruit Concept

I'm in a shader programming class, and the first assignment is to model and shade a fruit or vegetable. First we had to show the process of layering in a concept image.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Charley Harper Emulation

This piece was done in my Drawing for Animation class, with Joe Olsen. September 2012

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Figure Drawings

A few semesters ago, I took a figure drawing class from Josh Black. He is by far my most favorite of my drawing teachers. I really connected to the techniques he taught, and I felt my figure drawings improve substantially.